Veterans Care Packages A new outreach is coming in October! We are collecting items, as well as cards, letters and handmade pictures for making We Care Packages to support our troops. Below is a suggested list of items that our troops most request:
Good quality socks (white or black)
Bath towels (they don't have to be super plush)
Liquid IV or any single-packet powdered drink (Gatorade, Excel)
Protein powder - individual packets
Protein bars, trail mix, individual packets of assorted nuts
Tuna or chicken in foil packets Slim Jims/Beef Jerky (no pork, please)
Peanut butter or Nutella - personal/snack size like Jif-on-the-Go
Word search or puzzle books
Beanie hats, hand & foot warmers
Anything small for Bills or Sabres!

We Care Packages are sent twice a year by Blue Star Mothers NY7 (in Hamburg), with the next ones being shipped in late November. Our church will want to have everything ready to give to them by Sunday, November 17. As we gather these items, I hope each family and individuals will remember to keep prayers for our soldiers (families and veterans), especially as the holidays approach. More will be announced at church and supplies for cards will be available too. This is also a wonderful way for families to make heartfelt messages together, including children’s pictures. Veteran’s Day is November 11, so let us all show our appreciation to those (past and present) who protect our freedom.